Country Living in Southern Africa

You can find Country Living in Southern Africa on the following social media platforms:

Facebook: Country Living in Southern Africa Page


Twitter: Liza M Roux

YouTube: Country Living in Southern Africa

I love sharing stories about people living wild lives in Southern Africa, travel , conservationand , recipes from my farm kitchen and outdoor education.

I live in rural Mozambique with my husband and 6-year-old daughter and our pets. My husband is managing a cattle ranch.

Here are some of the topics I regularly post on.

I like sharing stories about what we keep ourselves busy with on the farm.

>>On the farm

Trailcamming where I share my motion censored camera’s wildlife finds on the farm where we live.


If you live in Southern Africa also join our Trailcamming group here

>> Trailcamming in Southern Africa Facebook Group

Every now and again I share Country People Interviews – I introduce you to the people that live in the countryside and rural Southern Africa.

>>Country People

Some other topics include travel, guest bloggers and everything else that comes up, read my all time favourite story here

>> Raising a Spotted Hyena